Internet Marketing Lead Generation Ecosystem for Property Managers

Internet Marketing Lead Generation Ecosystem

For property management professionals in Los Angeles or any other market, finding their next tenants means leaving no stone unturned. The Internet has been a wonderful tool for finding and attracting new tenants to properties, as long as it’s used correctly. Unfortunately, far too many Internet marketing campaigns aren’t built with all of the pieces landlords need to attract and convert the widest possible audience. That’s because lead generation Internet campaigns are intricate, highly sophisticated machines that need to have all of the important components in place to function as they should.

Here at Internet marketing firm Straight North, we’re dedicated to helping our clients understand what makes strong lead generation campaigns. We’ve taken these campaigns apart and learned what they all need to have in place and how those components need to fit together. As the result of our research, we’ve compiled the infographic you see below. This blueprint of sorts is provided as a guide to help property management internet marketers build the machinery they need to help ensure their lead generation campaigns have all of the necessary elements for success. If you build a campaign without following a blueprint such as this, you run the risk of forgetting some critical element that could be driving new customers to your business or your property. Whether you’re building a lead generation campaign from scratch or working to optimize an existing one, you want to be sure your campaign is designed and built from the ground up to attract as many potential tenants as possible. Using this guide as a starting point is a great way to confirm that your campaign will have everything it needs to produce the results you want.

Author Bio:

Brad Shorr is Director of Content Strategy at Straight North, an Internet marketing company in Chicago that provides SEO, PPC and web design services. With more than 25 years of sales and marketing experience, Brad has been featured in leading online publications including Moz, Forbes and Entrepreneur.

Infographic created by Straight North