Getting ready to move means you (or your property managers) will probably spend more time thinking about boxes than at any other time in your life. Most tenants spend the weeks leading to their move hunting for anything and everything cardboard. Yet because you have to fit practically everything you own into boxes to make […]
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Internet Marketing Lead Generation Ecosystem for Property Managers
Internet Marketing Lead Generation Ecosystem For property management professionals in Los Angeles or any other market, finding their next tenants means leaving no stone unturned. The Internet has been a wonderful tool for finding and attracting new tenants to properties, as long as it’s used correctly. Unfortunately, far too many Internet marketing campaigns aren’t built […]
Continue ReadingHome Insurance Checklist for the New Homeowner and/or Landlord
Home Insurance Checklist for the New Homeowner There are many factors that can affect the type, cost and availability of homeowners insurance that you can get. Before you buy a new home as an investment property or for personal use, follow this home insurance checklist and understand how the resulting insurance quote may be affected. […]
Continue ReadingChecklist: Hiring a Window and Door Contractor
Checklist: Hiring a Window and Door Contractor The doors and windows of your apartment building or home are some of its most important features. They not only need to look good, but they need to be fitted properly to protect the tenants from the elements and unwanted guests. When you need to have doors and/or […]
Continue ReadingDIY Home Inspection Checklist
DIY Home Inspection Checklist from Foundation Repair Services A house is more than a home, it’s also an investment. Whether or not you’re thinking of selling your home in the near future, it’s important to keep up with maintenance in order to protect your investment and ensure it will continue to hold its value for […]
Continue ReadingThe 7 Common Enemies of Every Roof
Your roof has enemies, whether you know it or not. You might not think so. You might think your roof is rather low key. However, make no mistake, your roof is attacked on a daily basis. Following are the 7 most common assailants. Each one is mentioned by the infographic included at the end of […]
Continue ReadingInfographic: Improvements That Can Increase The Value of Your Home (or Apartment)
Courtesy of: Kayu Connection
Continue ReadingInfographic: The High Price of Ignoring Home and Apartment Repairs
Yes, this is the second infographic in a row (blogging faux paus, I know) – however the information in regards to the cost of prevention versus the cost of repair is quite valuable to landlords and homeowners alike and I thought it should be shared. Have a prosperous week! _Trevor Courtesy of: and Redbeacon
Continue ReadingThe Apartment & Home Rental Landscape
“The Apartment & Home Rental Landscape – What do Renters Want?” created by
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